Goals I Hope To Achieve As An HNGi8 Intern
The importance of setting goals cannot be underestimated. Goals help in staying focused and motivated. They help in giving a sense of direction and to make one feel more in control of the destination they're headed.
In this article, I intend to shed awareness to the reader about the HNG internship( especially for those who know little to nothing about it). This article would also serve as an accountability partner for myself so as to know how I'm making true on these goals and progressing as time goes on.
What is HNG Internship?
The HNG internship is an 8-weeks remote internship program aimed at developing the best talents in every aspect of the tech stack. Anyone can join in on this program as it is absolutely free and requires no examination whatsoever to get selected.
The interns are given tasks each week and by doing so, are introduced into the world of programming and different frameworks and also connected to amazing, brilliant people. To know more about this internship, click here
My Goals for the program
Below are the goals I hope to achieve at the end of this program;
To become better in my stack: This includes implementing skills I already have, perfecting them and also learning new concepts and ideas. My goal is not to be better than anyone else but to be better than I used to be.-Mark Twain
To meet like-minded people and expand my network.
To be an HNG finalist
Be able to utilize google and resources in solving problems.
I hope to be able to achieve all these and so much more and I have great expectations of myself and this program.
Useful Resources
Starting out in front-end web development was overwhelming as there were numerous resources online and offline, but with time, I found some useful and they really helped me.
Here are some of them;
- To get familiarized with the concept of git, click here
Check out this really wonderful video on the basics of Figma by clicking here
Kevin Powell makes understanding CSS so much easier. Check out his youtube page
Cheers to a new beginning.